Wednesday, 2 March 2011

it has no colour
this grief
no weight
but the sound
of your name

For Dad
23-12-1941 - 26-2-2011


Kay Tracy said...

Paul, such a lovely tribute. Some of your recent posts are full of sorrow, and now I understand.

I'm sorry for your loss.

May healing come soon.

Brian said...

Sharp and beautiful keening, Paul. My deepest sympathies.


John McDonald said...

excellent Paul (and may I add my condolences)

Devika Jyothi said...

Poignant again, Paul,

My condolences to you and family,


Paul Smith said...

Hi Kay (& welcome), Brian, John & Devika. Thank you for your kind words/thoughts.

It has been a tough week, during which the presence of friends, both physically and electronically has been a huge help.

Thank you again.


Dave Serjeant said...

Hi Paul. Sorry to hear about your Dad. A lovely tribute

Paul Smith said...

Thanks Dave, I appreciate your words...

Pan Haiku Review said...

I'm so sorry for your loss.

As ever the tanka are brilliant.

I did write a haiku straight after my father's funeral (about two days after):

the rain
almost a friend
this funeral

Alan Summers

I hope to see you soon.

Alan’s Area 17 blog