Thursday, 24 September 2009

Haiku News

I have recently discovered a new and exciting online project called 'Haiku News'
It is presented in the format of a newspaper and seeks to capture world-wide news items in the haiku (and related) form (s), with links to relevant articles.
Submissions are being sought right now and I would encourage you to take a look and then possibly send a poem or two along for consideration.


DickWhyte said...

Thanks so much for the write-up Paul. Looks great!!

Paul Smith said...
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Paul Smith said...

Second try!!!
It's my pleasure Dick. I wish both yourself and Laurence well with this new venture.

Pan Haiku Review said...

You can add my excitement too!

I've added Dick and Lawrence's Haiku News to my Read Write Poem group (60 strong at present) as a Sunday Challenge.

all my best,
With Words